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The event and the association. Chronicle of a special appointment!

LES COLLECTIONNEURS is an association that brings together independent restaurateurs and hoteliers, as well as travelers who share a taste for travel.

Today, thanks to 16 new entries that have been added this year alone, the community has 85 Italian hotels and restaurants.
The Orange Guide offers a new "way to enjoy" gastronomic and travel experiences in 14 countries including France, Italy, Portugal, Germany and Morocco.

A real and concrete example of excellence in "international hospitality"
In these images we have summarized the salient moments of the last national convention held in Polesine Parmense - Parma - in the splendid setting of "Antica Corte Pallavicina".

Royale, as always, could not miss this important appointment and we want to express our heartfelt thanks to the wonderful
LES COLLECTIONNEURS family for the friendship that has binded us for so many years.

Royale s.r.l. | Legal and Operative Site Via Del Seprio 40/A, 22074 Lomazzo (CO) Italy | Tel.: +39 02 96779645
Certified email: | P.I. e C.F. 02097760132 | Share Capital €62.000 i.v. | Nr. REA - 240374